Paper Examples on Social Issues

CIA Triad

Protection is usually comparable with confidentiality. In order to protect sensitive information from being sent to the wrong person, measures are taken to ensure confidentiality. The information is also normally sorted according the possible harm and its amount if unintentional hands were to get it. The classes could then take very stringent actions. In some cases, to protect the confidentiality of information, it may be necessary to prepare unusually for people who have access. This preparation could include security threats that can debilitate the data. Preparedness can help acclimate individuals to the hazards and prepare them for them. To help with preparing, you can include information about social building techniques and passwords.

The use of a tracking number or steering code when managing a web account is an example of how to ensure confidentiality. Information encryption can be used as a standard technique to ensure confidentiality. Two-factor authentication is becoming the norm. Security tokens, keycoxcombs and delicate tokens are some of the other alternatives. Clients can also limit the number of places where data is displayed and the conditions in which it’s actually transmitted to complete a necessary exchange. In the case of extremely sensitive data, extra precautions may be required, such as placing it only on PCs with air gaps, on devices without capacity or even in printed form.

Integrity: Integrity remains the I of CIA — specifically, information integrity. The key to this part of CIA Triad lies in protecting information against unapproved modifications or deletions. It also involves ensuring that damage that is caused when approved parties make changes they shouldn’t, can be rectified. Information like customer account controls shouldn’t be altered by anyone, ever, since even a tiny change can result in major interferences or classification violations. Some information, such as client records, should be more easily accessible to alteration, but still be reversible if a mistake is made (such as accidentally erasing documents). In situations where it is important that changes are simple and easy to fix for approved staff, but still easily reversible, the use of variant control systems or more traditional reinforcements can be a great way to ensure integrity. Unix document approvals can be used to ensure information integrity. However, more limited record consents systems, such as MS Windows 98’s read-only document signal, are also important.

This is achieved by maintaining an optimally working system, free from conflicts in programming. Keeping up with the latest updates to your basic system is also important. The ability to transmit correspondence efficiently and avoid bottlenecks is equally important. When equipment problems occur, RAID, RAID-like groups, or even high accessibility can provide real results. A Disaster Recovery Plan is essential for the worst-case scenario. Information loss or intrusions must be protected against in organizations by incorporating erratic events, such as fires and cataclysmic situations. To protect against information loss in such situations, a duplicate backup could be kept in a safe that is waterproof and resistant to flames. Additional security hardware such as firewalls or intermediary server software can help to prevent downtime and information inaccessibility due to harmful activities.


  • freyamccarthy

    Freya McCarthy is an educational blogger and volunteer who helps improve education in developing countries. She has worked in education for over 10 years, most recently as a teacher in a primary school in India. Freya has a degree in education from the University of Wales and has worked in a number of different educational settings. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family.


Freya McCarthy is an educational blogger and volunteer who helps improve education in developing countries. She has worked in education for over 10 years, most recently as a teacher in a primary school in India. Freya has a degree in education from the University of Wales and has worked in a number of different educational settings. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family.