Paper Examples on Social Issues

The Stand Of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, And Rosa Parks Against Racial Inequality And Racism In American History

There is much to learn about American History. Sometimes people don’t want to talk about this subject. Americans have been suffering for decades because they do not enjoy equal rights. Most African-Americans weren’t accepted as the people they were. In the last decades, African-Americans were not granted equal rights. The leaders who represented African-Americans later united them and were named Martin Luther King and Malxom X. Rosa Parks was also included.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was, when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was being questioned, one of most hated men during that decade. Martin believes that everyone should have equal rights and that no one should judge anyone based on their skin colour. Martin was, for most African Americans, one of America’s most important leaders. Martin Luther King’s legacy was equality and nonviolence. Dr. King was a highly educated young man. He graduated from Morehouse College at age 14. Coretta and Martin later got their doctorate from Boston University. Martin began pasturing in a Montgomery church in 1955. Dr. King organized a boycott of buses in the 1950s to protest Rosa Park’s arrest. Martin had a dream about ending segregation and that everyone would be in God’s eyes one. Martin believed that preaching was better than arguing. Martin’s belief in African-Americans was not forgotten. He led the 1965 Selma march, which resulted to voting rights. Malcom X was, however, a different leader than Martin Luther King. Many people tried to forget Malcom X’s leadership role. For his drug use, he was sent to prison. Malcom X converted from segregation Islam to become Malcom X. He was known to be bold and able to do anything and everything a person desires. Malcom X stated that he would do anything to obtain equal rights. Malcom X beliefs are often compared with Martin Luther King. Most sources say that Malcom X’s beliefs and equality rights were based on spreading black pride, and fighting racism. Malcom protests usually lead to equal rights. Malcom X disagreed with Martin Luther King’s beliefs. He was a Muslim and believed in violence. He was assassinated by a Muslim member in 1965.

Rosa Parks also inspires today’s citizens to fight for their rights. Rosa Parks was convicted for refusing a seat to a white male in 1955. Her arrest was published in NAACP. It led to the Boycott Movement. Rosa was also convicted the day after her arrest. Rosa refused to leave her seat. Rosa Parks joined the NAACP soon to assist people of African descent. Her arrest was an act of dignity, strength and determination in the African-American struggle to end segregation. She wasn’t a leader in Civil Rights Movements. However, her beliefs on Civil Rights laws as well as equal rights were similar. She joined Martin Luther King’s and the NAACP movements to fight for equal justice. Rosa Parks, at the age of eleven, had to leave school to care for her mother who was ill. She married Raymond Parks, an NAACP member, at the age of nineteen. Her husband was supportive and helped her to get her diploma later on in her life. Rosa Parks is still a symbol of standing up for the right in today’s society.

Martin Luther King and Malcom X believed in equal rights for all people and the end of racism. Their beliefs have been a source of inspiration for many people over the years. They helped make the path for African Americans’ future. They were instrumental in ending the injustices of laws. Rosa Parks and Malcom X were both arrested for fighting for their rights. The racism that exists today is not going away. Their legacy will be passed on to the next generation and History.


  • freyamccarthy

    Freya McCarthy is an educational blogger and volunteer who helps improve education in developing countries. She has worked in education for over 10 years, most recently as a teacher in a primary school in India. Freya has a degree in education from the University of Wales and has worked in a number of different educational settings. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family.


Freya McCarthy is an educational blogger and volunteer who helps improve education in developing countries. She has worked in education for over 10 years, most recently as a teacher in a primary school in India. Freya has a degree in education from the University of Wales and has worked in a number of different educational settings. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family.