Paper Examples on Social Issues

Negative Repercussions Of The Political Correctness Movement

Political correctness originally meant something that was good in intent. The concept of political correctness was to not make people feel different based on skin color or other superficial features. Also, to help the disadvantaged. Things have become extremely outlandish since the beginning of the nineties. It was once a positive way of living that had been lost over time. The extremes of political correctness have now led to a significant decline in the country’s ability to help. In today’s world, political correctness is a way to put feelings before logic and evidence. It also seeks to “victimize” people and control their thinking and feelings. The ideology of common sense that once existed is being ripped apart. It is possible to return to the original way people thought, and people can learn and grow from this world. We must deal with the negative consequences of political correctness today if we want to be better than what we are currently.

The main problem with the political correctness movement’s approach to politics is its tendency to make it difficult to understand the original meaning of communications. People will notice that people are constantly trying to fixate on the meaning of words and phrases quickly. “It’s become a dictatorship of those most offended in the room. The range of PC complaints is now from the sublime and the absurd, and they impede honest evaluation, and even debate, about the issues that affect our daily lives. Self-censorship can make professional writing and oral presentations seem foolish. Another reason is that the public assumes that deaf people are deaf. When a person is deaf is called “auditorily challenging”, then the audience might find it funny that they are not hearing the intended message. The person goes above and beyond to protect others’ feelings. It is evident to anyone who sees the work. While the effect might not cause offense, it could also produce laughter. Failure would mean that one’s actions did not produce laughter. The common effect of distorting intent is to go to extremes in order not to offend the political system. America is the home of brilliant, creative and ambitious thinkers from all over the world. Only the land and home of freedom and brave can they realize their dreams. Their dreams can only be fulfilled in the land where freedom is guaranteed and the home where bravery reigns. The “speech officers” think that the ability of learners is more important than learning abilities. This is why speech codes are created. This is problematic for many reasons. Sheltering students from the harsh reality of life creates an unrealistic and narrow-minded mindset which can hurt them more than it helps later in their lives. “Unfortunately, “closing of American Mind” is an educational fad. It was imposed by many who claim to embrace human differences but are horrified when confronted with real diversity of ideas. The narrow-mindedness that is created in schools means they are able to only cater to the needs of students and not show all the options.

“For example, many schools restrict outside speakers to those who are compatible with their ideology and meet their conditions. This can sometimes mean that some speakers will not be allowed to speak on campus. This creates restrictions around speech for outsiders, as well as school-community members whose mode or expression may be considered uncivil and obnoxious.

Eliminating any other means of dispersing knowledge among the youth living in schools will only make it worse for them, and create a close-mindedness that should not be pursued.

Comedy’s purpose was to lighten up the world and make it less dark. It provides a safe place for people to discuss the issues that society is not ready to face. “Most humor is grounded in reality. It is this that makes humor accessible and relatable. Stand-up comedians and humorists are able to take everyday situations and use them to tell a story with some exaggerated results. These realities are difficult to confront and make it more difficult for people to have fun with humor. Political correctness activists try to dictate how people should speak and act when there are so many options.

It presents itself as fairness but attempts to limit and control people’s speech with rigid codes and rules. This is not the best way to combat discrimination. I don’t think that forcing people to speak in a different way or silence them is the best way of solving problems deeper than their speech.

People who believe in political correctness think that restricting humor makes people less racist or intolerant. People who joke about sensitive topics acknowledge the reality of these topics and also acknowledge that they don’t have to feel weighed down by the hurt, pain, or consequences.

The political correctness movement seeks to destroy what makes people unique: their identity. The movement is designed to erase any views and opinions that people might have that are contrary to the mold. It aims to create a hive of thought, something that can be bent or molded into anything the group deems appropriate.

“Political conformity seeks eliminate individualism. Identity, confidence and individualism are the three indispensable characteristics of American greatness. Europe is the best place to look for the final result. This ideology’s intellectual tyranny and self-loathing has made Europe a weaker continent that now strives for mediocrity.

Political correctness does not believe in individuality. What people are is what matters. Instead of judging someone by their character, only societal status and race are important. The movement doesn’t look at any person except the skin color or gender. “Individuals become submerged in and reduced to social groups defined and imposed on them by ideologists who dream up their utopian visions of a socially engineered society that is more ethnically and race-conscious. Political correctness views people as a tool to advance an agenda.

Here’s the fundamental problem with political correctness. The movement doesn’t change people’s opinions. All that can be done is say it. “Political Correctness” is based on the belief in the elimination of speech and conduct that are offensive to certain groups. People become more enthused when they are limited in what they can say. Resentment develops when people begin to believe that there is no way to say it. Resentment creates an intense feeling that festers and grows, making it more difficult to deal with the problem. “Political Correctness won’t make us better, it will just shut us down.” The very emotions it aims to suppress, political correctness can actually make matters worse. Some might argue that speech can cause harm. Regulation is the right thing. While there are many cases in which speech can be linked to harm, violence is not always direct. It is necessary that someone hears the speech, understands it, and then acts in a dangerous way. Bad speech can be overcome by good speech. This will help us all have a better conversation and make society more progress. Refraining from using certain words or ideas is not only a distraction, but also counterproductive.

Political correctness has come full circle to racism. It is not acceptable to denigrate white people based on their skin color or the actions of their ancestors. Although the movement encourages celebrating other cultures, white people cannot mention race without being accused or having “white privilege.” Racist actions include lowering a race in order to promote a different race. This does more to dehumanize Caucasian-born individuals than it does to Hispanics or blacks. As a “victim,” you are also a “person with color.” This attitude is detrimental to the movements that aims to empower other races. People will find it harder to get out of this role and achieve the life they desire. If the movement succeeds, it will be difficult for the victims to escape the victim role. “Rather then advancing harmony and understanding as intended,” says political correctness. People will find it difficult to break free from the victim label if they succeed.

PC culture can cause offence because people don’t have to challenge their mental abilities. Many people are comfortable living in an echo chamber and do not think outside the box when it comes time to thinking. “And while this is a positive thing, I fear that we have now become obsessed with our sensitivity. This obsession has made it too easy for our emotions and feelings to leak out of our skins.” People living in “safe spaces,” give them an inaccurate perspective of life. The illusion that everything is okay, or even possible, gives them the ability to erase negative experiences. The ideal life is not possible. It’s pointless pretending to exist. PC is grounded in weakness. It’s weakness due to hypersensitivity. Avoiding the difficult things or ignoring them completely will only slow down people’s development.

Although the political correctness movement certainly has had an impact on today’s world, it is not a positive one. In its attempts to be serious, the movement only causes confusion and foolishness, with every word and message being distorted. If this fails, they will seek to eliminate any thinking that is contrary to their agenda. This includes dismissing hate speech and white privilege. It leads to unrealistic expectations and narrow mindsets that cannot be met. Social justice warriors want to limit and eliminate any means of dealing with the harmful effects of comedy or other offensive expressions. In order to make people feel less human, they will judge them by their race. Disagreement will lead to a series if name-calling and an ego damaged that must be rehabilitated in order to face the world again. The world the political rightness movement wants to create, is a false world. This world is created to shield people from harsh realities. Instead of accepting reality and growing in people, the movement attempts to pollute it with lies and hypocrisies until it becomes a safe haven.


  • freyamccarthy

    Freya McCarthy is an educational blogger and volunteer who helps improve education in developing countries. She has worked in education for over 10 years, most recently as a teacher in a primary school in India. Freya has a degree in education from the University of Wales and has worked in a number of different educational settings. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family.


Freya McCarthy is an educational blogger and volunteer who helps improve education in developing countries. She has worked in education for over 10 years, most recently as a teacher in a primary school in India. Freya has a degree in education from the University of Wales and has worked in a number of different educational settings. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family.