Paper Examples on Social Issues

Analysis Of The Attitudes To Gun Control From A Psychological Perspective

Table of Contents

This is an introduction.

Theoretical Foundation

Belief in a Dangerous World Theory

FAE is caused by negative stereotypes.

Discuss the pros and cons to gun control

To sum up


This is an introduction.

The United States’ gun control policies are one of most controversial socio-political subjects in recent years. It plays an important part in controlling firearms distribution and the safety for many Americans. Since 2014, gun rights have become more popular due to increased support from public opinion, state laws and Supreme Court rulings (Carlson, 2014.). The arguments come from opposing individualist and collectivist cultures. According to sociologists as well as cultural psychologists, the United States has been deemed an individualist country. This can explain why gun ownership is supported by white Americans. In the 1960s civil right movement, it was black activists who sought to allow police to use firearms as protection. But today, there’s no clearly violent or dangerous environment in the US that allows white Americans to legally own a gun. This is where the issues shows a clear division between black Americans (53%) and white Americans (27%). Comparing the data with newer statistical research that was conducted in mid-2019 by British Broadcasting Corporation, it is clear that the United States makes up 5% and has 42% worldwide guns. Each year, there are 33,000 gun-related deaths in the US. It is clear that gun ownership per state correlates with the number of gun-caused deaths. It is clear that while many people believe gun ownership is necessary for safety, statistics clearly show that gun-related deaths are far less common than those caused by suicide. Pew Research Centre conducted a study shortly after 2018 school shootings and found that people between the ages of 18 and 29 were most supportive of gun rights protection in the US. These findings suggest that younger generations are already aware of the dangers of gun ownership and have been forced to consider their safety. But personal safety isn’t the only factor that can influence someone’s views on gun control. This research essay examines the psychological factors that influence Americans’ attitudes towards gun control.

Theoretical BackgroundAttribution is essentially the set of thought processes people use to assign causes to behaviour. There are two types of factors that can explain behaviour: dispositional and situational. People have an innate need to find casual explanations to make the world easier to understand, predict, and navigate. Many people are guilty of the Fundamental Attribution Error, even though they may not be aware. Because our brains automatically tell us that other people’s behavior is consistent with our dispositions, the FAE can cause bias in our behaviour. Although this error has been supported by many studies, evidence suggests that there are variations between cultures. The Fundamental Attribution Error (also known Correspondence Bias), can be attributed to our survival and safety. People are prone to attribute certain behaviours to their own internal attributions, even when they see the actions of others. It is very common due to the fact that we are often unaware of the circumstances that caused someone’s behaviour. Jones and Harris conducted an experiment on the Fundamental Attribution Error. The experiment was based on the hypothesis that people would attribute a person’s behavior to their disposition if he or she observed someone else acting in accordance with free will. However, observers will attribute behavior to situations if they can tell that others have behaved according to chance. Duke University undergraduates (36 male and 15 female) read essays written by other students. Half of participants were told their viewpoints were chosen by the writer. The other half were told they were assigned viewpoints as part of a debate activity. Researchers predicted that the results would be mixed. Participants in the choice’ condition were more likely to attribute essay opinions to writers’ attitudes. However, participants in the unintended ‘no choice’ condition made dispositional attributions of the writer, despite being given a viewpoint. These data were collected using a questionnaire. Jones and Harris concluded that their hypothesis was not confirmed. This suggests that people’s tendency to attribute dispositional attributes to other people may be unconsciously rooted in survival instincts. This theory states that people are more likely than others to be prejudiced against other groups and to accept negative stereotypes when they are in danger of losing their lives. Humans are social creatures. Our basic survival and social needs are dependent on others. As such, potential risks can influence our thinking and behavior. A BDW scale is used to measure one’s beliefs and habits about interpersonal danger. Higher scores indicate a stronger belief in the dangers of the world and the need for protection from them (Miller 2008). It is reasonable to realize that even though a group may be affected by BDW theory in some way, there can be variations in intensity.

We can’t always predict the motives or intentions of someone’s behavior, so our survival instincts help us take preventative measures subconsciously. Qualtrics Panels, market research firm, conducted an assessment of gun-related beliefs in 2016. The study involved 839 US men. This was because men were statistically higher to own guns than women. Respondents completed a questionnaire about gun ownership. They found that gun-owners saw more threats than nonowners. Self defence and protection were also common reasons, giving gun owners a greater right to kill or intrude on an attacker. While this research indicated that gun ownership is primarily for protection, many of those who supported it owned long guns. This contrasts with handguns which are commonly associated with self defence. Stroebe & Kruglanski (2017) suggested that people prefer to expect the worst to be avoided. Sometimes, people’s actions can sometimes be difficult to identify and recognize. This implies that gun owners might be unaware of the FAE.

Gun ownership does not increase the chance that someone will feel unsafe. Simon C. Moore and Ian R Brennan discuss weapons and violence. They mention that the “association between drugs and guns has been cited in previous increases in firearm-related murders in the US. This is called “Drug-Gun Diffusion Hypothesis”. This hypothesis is also known as the “Drug–Gun Diffusion Hypothesis”. It refers to people who are frequently exposed to drugs, or who have been involved with drug-related activities. These people may want to acquire guns, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they will use it for criminal purposes. The same effect can be had by alcohol and tobacco. There are many studies that have been done about this. However, the empirical evidence is not sufficient to show it to be a definite factor. Gun ownership should only be considered one possible reason.

Exposures to negative stereotypes can lead people to commit FAE. Exposure to negative stereotypes can lead to FAE in children as young as age, particularly towards black Americans. They can be shown as dangerous or violent. And if they see someone behaving in the same way, it can be used to stereotype the entire race (O’Brien and co., 2013). White Americans might also believe that traditional superiority complexes are normal. Other studies have shown that white opinion is directly related to whites’ gun policy preferences. More specifically, statistical research shows that the average person most likely to own firearms is a white married man. The African American, middle-aged, female is also least likely not to have a firearm.

Discuss the pros and cons for gun control Many Americans of color believe that gun control would result in increased crime rates in the United States.

Many feel that they need to keep a gun at home in case of an emergency. A gun is a source of comfort and relief.

There are other ways to prevent these potentially dangerous situations. Although it is true that gun owners may be inclined to believe in a dangerous and unsafe world, others may believe they are still protected from harm by gun ownership. Many people argue against gun ownership. This article is intended for those who are not residents of the country and wish to buy guns.

Interestingly, both supporters and those who oppose gun control can apply the BDW theory. People who support gun control use them as self-defence mechanisms. They keep guns in their homes for safety reasons, even though there is little chance of using them. Opponents of gun ownership argue that guns would increase the danger to those around them because the world is dangerous. People shouldn’t be able to guarantee safe use of guns or how to use them properly. This increases the risk. Many people have had guns stolen from their homes or damaged by others. This is yet another example of gun control not being about ownership. But, rather about how well the gun owner knows and understands how to use it responsibly in any situation.

ConclusionThe above analysis and examination revealed that gun ownership is supported by many Americans of color. They make the Fundamental Attribution Error. This increases the tendency to attribute dispositional elements towards their behavior. It’s a result of our survival instincts. If this happens, it can cause us to feel unsafe. These factors can be countered as arguments against gun ownership. Allowing more weapons to enter the world can lead to irresponsible or unsafe use.

Reflection. I believe it is clear from this essay that arguments between people regarding gun ownership are largely based in their personal views. Although I had a lot of research done on the topic, I was able to gain a greater understanding of the issue. However, I only knew a few statistics and studies that were relevant. This confirmed what I knew about the topic: people can be in the same situation. However, we don’t always know how they are affected, whether they will take it as a sign to prevent it from happening to them, or if they have to do something to stop it from happening. Gun ownership was something I opposed because it is where the problem lies. The guns can be taken away to reduce irresponsible usage and remove the need for people having one. If more guns are given to people who have not been trained in how to use them, it is effectively allowing more people become as dangerous as the gunmen and attackers. Many times, the gunman who is involved in shootings is actually a civilian who had access to the weapon. I also believe that education should be a part of any solution. This will allow those who feel they have a gun in their home to possess it, as well as ensuring they know they can handle one when necessary. Many gun owners may be scared to operate a gun, which makes it pointless to own one. A suggestion I like but am unsure about is to increase the police force so that more officers are available when needed or around to provide safety. The reason I hesitate is because of the increasing incidents of police officers using guns to recklessly harm civilians. This is a serious risk factor and makes it difficult to ensure safety for American citizens.


  • freyamccarthy

    Freya McCarthy is an educational blogger and volunteer who helps improve education in developing countries. She has worked in education for over 10 years, most recently as a teacher in a primary school in India. Freya has a degree in education from the University of Wales and has worked in a number of different educational settings. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family.


Freya McCarthy is an educational blogger and volunteer who helps improve education in developing countries. She has worked in education for over 10 years, most recently as a teacher in a primary school in India. Freya has a degree in education from the University of Wales and has worked in a number of different educational settings. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family.