Reflective Essay Topics for Self-Discovery

269 Food Essay Topics

Top Essay Topics about Food

– Nutrition: Foods Containing Calories
Many people claim that obesity is only caused by excessive calories. This paper discusses other causes of obesity.

Genetically Modified Foods: Their Impact on Human Health
The topic of genetically modified foods has been a hot topic. Genetically modified foods have many benefits and potential risks.

– Healthy food: the impact of the vegetarian diet
Vegetarianism has become a more popular choice in society’s diets over recent years. Modern vegetarians can meet all of their nutritional needs.

– Junk Foods: A Threat to Our Lives
Junk food dominates grocery store aisles. They are also served daily in school lunchrooms. Fast-food junk fills every intersection.

– Fast Food’s Negative Effects
Fast food has led to depression and obesity in many countries, including the United States and UK.

– The Results of Eating Fast Food
Modern living has resulted in fast food being a common feature of our society. Unfortunately, its negative effects on human health and body are not good.

– Today’s Agriculture Issue: Food Safety
Food safety refers to the proper storage, preparation and preservation all foods. Markets demand that food crops be improved in quality and safety.

– Food Allergies/Obesity
This brief research paper examines how food allergies can lead obesity.

– Alaska Natives diet: Traditional Food Habits of Alaska Natives and Adaptation American Foodstuffs
Despite American influences, Alaska Natives have managed to keep their culture current.

– Nutrition and Food Security in Aboriginal and Remote Communities of Australia
Food is not only essential for our survival, but it can also be a conduit for pathogens to enter our bodies.

– Edible Additives
There are three types food additives: preservatives, cosmetic foods additives, preservatives, as well as food processing aids.

– Nutrition, Healthy Choices, and Nutritional Values of Fast Foods
People’s choices about food are influenced by how they perceive the world and what they need.

– Bulletin Concerning Information and Food Safety
Food poisoning can be caused by a variety of factors, including food being heated too much or not properly cooked.

– Food in 20th Century
This paper discusses American food in 20th-century America, the factors that limit food choices, the methods working-class Americans obtain their food, as well as the pros and con of processed foods.

A project has been created to explore Asida (Jamza) meals across different cultures.
Asida is a traditional Arabic dish. It usually contains butter, honey, or flour. This meal is usually eaten as breakfast.

– Financial projections for entrepreneurs in the food industry
It is hard to run a restaurant, particularly in an area where there is high competition among local food producers and the fast food sector.

Examination of Genetic Modification in Food Science and Technology
Different reactions to genetically engineered foods are seen in different countries. Some ban it, others allow it.

– Nutrition: Effects and Causes of Fast Food
Modern society has seen a rise in unhealthy habits like fast food and take-out.

Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food
In his essay, Michael Pollan discusses how American food processing has shifted to individual nutrients and not on whole foods that are healthy for consumers.

The connection between fast food and obesity due to lack of proper nutrition.
The researchers try to determine how different behaviors affect obesity. This is what the authors aim to investigate.

Organizational Changes at McDonald’s Fast Food Company
This paper examines the success of the change proposed by McDonald’s to improve its performance and increase customer focus.

– Supply Chain Management in Agriculture
It is difficult to design a supply chain that works in the global economic environment.

Modern Agriculture and Food Safety
According to United Nations Asian and Pacific Center for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery a surge in international agricultural product trade has raised concerns about food safety.
– London’s most famous food, pizza
Pizza is unique because it uses three key ingredients. This makes it one of the most delicious foods ever invented. This recipe uses our London-made bread.

– Food for the Working Class Americans
The paper addressed factors that made it difficult for working-class Americans to eat healthy food in the 20th centuries, the choices they had and the benefits of processed food.

Slow Food Movement USA
C. Petrini, a protestor against fast food and a call to return to traditional healthy eating habits, started the Slow Food Movement in the 1980s.

– Food culture: Doughnut history, marketing and sociology
A doughnut is a type pastry or fried dough. A variety of doughnuts can be prepared in many countries.

Trends in Organic Food Markets
Organic food is now sold primarily by food retailers rather than farmers or whole food retail. The main reason for higher prices on organic food is their higher production costs.

– Food: Cultural Differences and National Identity
This paper compares Japanese sushi and Ukrainian salo to determine if the ingredients and taste of food can be used to understand the mentality of those involved.

Packaging in Marketing and Food Safety.
Packaging’s primary functions are to protect products from external influences and prevent them from deterioration. They also provide important marketing and nutritional information.

Food Truck Business Market and Customer Analysis
The popularity of food truck businesses is high because they are a type of business that will never go out fashion.

Whole Foods Market Strategic Position and Goals
Whole Foods Market, an American company, specializes in food without artificially hydrogenated fats and colors.

– Food Truck Business Strategy, Resource, Management
This paper discusses the goals and objectives of the food truck business, as well as management functions, decision-making processes, organizational structure, and other details.

– World Hunger and Food Distribution are Global Issues
The problem of world hunger affects many countries’ development, affecting their overall health and increasing the rate of child mortality.

– Ban on Food Ads for Childhood Obesity Prevention
Ban food advertisements to prevent childhood obesity. They have negative effects on food preferences, consumption, purchasing behavior, and other aspects of children’s lives.

IES Lean Systems Ltd.
Lean thinking is a concept that enables sustainable use of resources. It is vital for 21st century economics.

An evaluation of Saddle Creek Corporation’s food business
Saddle Creek Corporation is a well-known logistics company. The company also exports food products.

Food Producing Company and its Key Processes
A proper information system is necessary for companies operating in the food sector to be able to gauge the state of the industry and keep abreast of recent developments.

Innovation and Barriers in the Food and Drink Industry
This paper outlines the factors that drive innovation in the industry as well as the obstacles that prevent it from happening.

Type-2 Diabetes Treatment: Food Diversion
This research paper explores the possibility of its use in treating type-2 diabetes among patients with the previously specified BMI range.

Good Food Research Topics & Essay Examples

Drug-Drug and Food Drug Interactions
Interactions are when two medicines interact or affect one another.

Fast-Food Industry’s Market Places & Environment
Fast food industry has seen a growth of more than $15 Billion annually and future growth rates of an average 2.7%.

– U.S. Schools Offer Healthy Food
This topic was chosen because it is important to understand why schools provide unhealthy food to students.

Fast Food Harmful to Children
The paper suggests that children who are exposed to fast food at an early age have adverse effects. Schools should therefore not sell fast food.

Ethical Eating and Daily Food Practices
Johnston and colleagues. Explains how people of different backgrounds understand ethical eating practices and add these ideas to their daily lives.

– Labeling food with genetically modified organisms
Since the beginning, concerns about food products containing genetically engineered organisms have been raised by the broad public.
– How Canada could improve food safety
This paper outlines how the government and other stakeholders can work together to improve existing standards.

– Pet Food Product Marketing Strategy
This paper discusses the marketing strategies that will help me launch my petfood product.

Local Food Venture Management
A small business venture is no easy task. This case studies demonstrates how to grow a local food franchise and permanent location.

Fast Food and Obesity: The US and the World
People are constantly on the go in today’s rapidly changing world. They are always on the move and want to save as much time as possible.

– Legislation concerning food security has been proposed by Food Policy Action.
Food Policy Action was founded by US food policy leaders to hold legislators responsible for votes that directly impact the food industry.

– Dietary laws and food products for health
This paper provides information on healthy diets and examines all types of products that could be beneficial or harmful to your health.

– Food Additives: Health Impact and Dangers
Research has shown that synthetic foods additives can be harmful to human health and cause dissatisfaction among consumers. It is therefore necessary to regulate their use in food products.

ECO-Friendly Packaging Design For Food and Drinks
The paper will be focused on eco-friendly packaging. The paper will focus on the food industry. The topic will be confined to the food industry, i.e.

Food and Drug Administration Fast Track Approval
This paper will outline the cases that result in fast-track FDA approval of new medicines.

Junk Food and Video Games are the main causes of childhood obesity
Discussions have been ongoing about “competitive foods & beverages” sold in schools, other than the ones that provide breakfast and lunch.

Chick-fil A Inc. Enters the Qatari Food Industry
Three elements (economic, legal, and political) are presented in this report by Chick-fil A to be used in their decision to expand in Qatari fast-food industry.

Food as a way to reduce risks and improve health
Diverse researches have been conducted to determine if eating fruits and vegetables can reduce or prevent cancer.

– Food Chain: Ricotta Cheese Production
Ricotta cheese won the choice because it provides the base and can be used to make a variety of products like cheesecakes, cookies or pancakes.

Healthy and nutritious food for young children
This paper will provide evidence-based recommendations regarding formula feeding and infant health.

Food Choices in Food Deserts. Sociological Analyse
The research will examine factors that influence healthy dietary choices and the availability for healthy food.

Target Market for Nature’s Best Pet Food Brand
This paper examines the target market of Nature’s Best Pet Foods, which is due to launch soon.

– The Currency Desvaluation Concept in Food Industry
While the international market functions, finance and exchange rates are crucial in ensuring that goods and services can circulate.

Granite City Food & Brewery Company Value Chain
Granite City Food & Brewery launched Fermentus Interruptus brewing, which was created by Mr. Burdickshawn, to give it a distinct brand.

Costly Healthy Food and State Policy
This paper discusses the problem of high prices of healthy food, its causes and consequences, and offers solutions.

SWOT Analysis of Food Truck Businesses
Food Trucks operate in Portland’s central Business District, an area that is home to a thriving food delivery industry.

– Start up company: Genetically Modified Foods for China
The goal of the start-up company’s establishment is to promote scientific ideas for increasing food production by scientific methods.

The National Food Products Company is dividing their market into distinct segments for marketing purposes.
NFPC has established a reputation for being a company that strives to succeed in the UAE market. They deliver essential products like milk and water as well as plastic carriers.

Global Food Supplies, Pollution and Overpopulation
The essay examines global food security threats and proposes solutions.

Advertising to Promote Organic Foods & Beverages
Organic materials are the best way to make the world organic.
Advertising on how people can improve the environment will make a difference.

McDonald’s Company: Flawed Fast Food Tax
McDonald’s is a world-famous fast food restaurant that serves more than 57,000,000 customers per day. There are many branches in major cities.

Biofoam: America’s Snack Food
Biofoam has a product that is highly successful. It is light, resilient and affordable. It is resistant to shifting during transit.

– Food labeling changes in the United States
There are pros as well as cons to the FDA proposal to increase the portion size of packaged foods. The FDA will provide consumers with accurate information about nutrients.

Granite City Food & Brewery Company Market Capitalization
Granite City Food & Brewery’s share of the market is rising at a lower percent than its primary competition.

Granite City Food & Brewery Company Environment
Granite City Food & Brewery is a strong seller of food and beverages because of the stable political climate.

– Food stamps: Justification for Tightened Condition
As the economy grows, so should the requirements for people who receive food stamps.

– Transportation, Waste and Food: Sustainable Development
The 21st century is a time when sustainability is a key issue in terms of development. Sustainable development is a goal for individuals, governments, and institutions.

– Healthy food access for poor people
Multiple studies have proven that good nutrition is the key to good overall health.

Genetically Modified food safety and benefits
The world today faces the problem of food insecurity. The problem of food insecurity can be solved by adopting GM foods.

– Fast-Food Restaurant Capacity Growing Options
The restaurant’s fast-food business is booming and they are seeking ways to grow their customer base. Two options were presented to the management.

Hot Food Ideas for Writing About

– Wendy’s Fast Food Franchise In China
Wendy’s and KFC have strong positions in China, so they have to create a product that is unique.

– Kenya: Its Tourism Attractions, Food Culture
Kenya is the most beautiful country in Africa that I’ve ever visited. It is always a pleasure to visit. But it’s been quite some time since my last visit.

Raaga Restaurant – Indian Culture & Food
Before visiting Raaga Indian Cuisine, I had to reflect on what I knew about Indian culture before I could eat at the restaurant.

– Australian Consumers Strategies for Reducing Food Waste
Australians waste more than $5 billion of food annually, according to estimates. The government should make significant financial savings by reducing food waste.

Documentary – “The Future of Food.”
The shocking revelations of America’s food production process are the focus of “The Future of Food”, a documentary. This film addresses two major issues.

Analysis of McDonald’s Fast-Food Restaurants
McDonald’s management views the SWOT Analysis as partially encompassing the company’s internal strengths or weaknesses.

– Global Food Consumption: Food & Beverage Companies Contribution
This data can be used to analyze the industry structure and dominance of packaged food and beverages.

– Examination of Food and Eating Habits in Society
A menu with little variety and repetition was the challenge. I was forced to eat whatever food was available because I did not have another option.

UN Speech on Global Food Security
This paper includes a UN speech by the Republic of Uzbekistan addressing the issue of global food safety and promotion of it.

Granite City Food & Brewery Company Analysis
Granite City Food & Brewery’s comfort food menu includes homemade food as well as craft beer. Customers will receive only fresh products.

– Organizational Design Factors for the Food Industry
This environment must be analyzed before any organizational restructuring of an international company can begin.

Food Innovation: Ayranyogurt in the Scandinavian Market
This study examines the suitability and marketing strategies for Ayran yogurt products in Scandinavia.

Managing business activities for a food company
Many dishes and beverages are the company’s main output. A set of standards is used by the company to ensure that products meet these standards.
– A proposal to lower the intake of high-calorie foods
Junk food and fast foods are high in fats.

Food Trucks – Business within Society
This business is a mobile food truck that sells healthy, affordable meals to employees in the surrounding area.

– The Effectiveness of Food Insecurity Interventions
We had planned to offer lunches to five families, and educate their parents about heart disease prevention. Unfortunately, the implementation did not go according to plan.

Analysis of Chickfil-A Fast Food Network Brands
The paper, which is based on demographic data from customers, analyzes Chick-fil A’s fast-food network and compiles some data to get a clear picture of peoples’ preferences.

Salesforce and Wegmans Food Markets: A Case Study
Many employees are leaving to find better opportunities.

Bologna Surface Bacterial Analysis: Bacterial contamination on two food contact surfaces
Many micro-organisms are found in nature, suspended in air and water, as well as on other organisms like humans.

Do marketers force us to buy more junk food?
Advertising and marketing have two major elements that shape the world of today.

– Food Waste Management
The paper attempts to address the problem of food wasted and proposes solutions.

– Sustainable Development: Importance in the Food Retail sector
We will discuss the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals from the Canadian perspective, and in particular the relevance of these goals to Canadian businesses.

Regulatory Agency – Food and Drug Administration
The Food and Drug Administration survived many social and economic changes, as well as political ones, and has maintained its core concept of public safety.

Trends in Organic and Natural Foods
Organic food is first targeted at financially well-off individuals who can spend more on food to get a perceived higher quality product.

– Food from Wilde’s “The Imitance of Being Earnest”.
The theme of food consumption is a constant theme throughout Oscar Wilde’s play “The Importance Of Being Earnest”.

Fast-Food and Obesity: A Nursing Practice Issue
As a reduction in fast food, the intervention that is proposed will be emphasized.

– Time and food: Chrononutrition and Night Eating
This paper examines time and nutrition. It includes chrono-nutrition as well as nightshift eating.

UK Business Sourcing Extensive Food Materials From Greece
How well a firm manages its supplier and procurement relationships will determine whether it is able to compete in today’s business environment.

– Product design in the food industry – A McDonald’s case article critique
The authors of “Product Design in Food Industry-A McDonald’s Case” examine McDonald’s recent launch and some aspects of its production process, as well as the innovativeness of its products.

Concerns about Genetically Modified foods
Genetically modified crops and food are known to be potentially dangerous. The effects of genetically modified crops and foods can have devastating consequences for both the environment and humans.

– Foods that are delicious in the context of children
These are only two of the most basic requirements.

Informative Speech: Fast Foods Cause Fast Death
In the last half-century, fast food has experienced rapid growth. This has led to a rapid increase in the national waistline.

Fast Food Nation: An Analysis of Business
Consumers don’t know where their natural ingredients come from if they aren’t provided with a label listing the source.

History of Fast Food Restaurants in America
Fast food is often associated with the recent past, but it’s easy to see why fast food has existed since the 1990s when Nicholas Howe’s book “Fast Food America” is available.

– Eating Home-Cooked Food Is Essential
This paper will argue that home cooking is best for your health and for the bonding of your family.

Current Issue: Genetically Modified foods
GM food is any type of food that has had its DNA altered by regular breeding.
This process is also called Genetic Engineering.

– Role of food, Marquez’ “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, Esquivel’s” “Like Water for Chocolate”
Laura Esquivel was brought up in Mexico. Her novel might have been written with the intention of showing her readers Spanish history or background.

Eric Schlosser’s book, “Fast Food Nation”.
Eric Schlosser in Fast Food Nation argues the influence of fast food on American culture and society.

– A proposal to provide healthier food choices for elementary students
This paper highlights the importance to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and have a good relationship with your children.

White Thinking Hat Fastfood: Overview
According to “Fast Food Facts” by the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office, fast food is very popular due to its convenience, predictability, and speed.

Most interesting food research titles

Eric Schlosser’s FAST FOOD NATION
Fast food has spread to every nook and corner of American society, even those in the most remote regions. It started with a few hamburgers.

– Climate Change and Its Potential Effect on Agriculture and Food Supply
Global climate change has greatly affected the supply chain of food worldwide. Crop production has its benefits and drawbacks.

History of the Food and Drug Administration
The paper gives an overview of the FDA’s history and provides background information. It also outlines the FDA’s current operations and the procedures it has implemented.

– Food habits and dietary practices: Honey as food
Honey is an excellent natural sweetener that can also be used to treat a variety of ailments.

– Genetic Engineering for Food and Freshwater Issues
Bioengineered foods, genetically altered, genetically engineered, and transgenic crops will all be vital to meet the difficult population requirements.

– The Article Review: “Chinese Restaurant Foods”
The article “Chinese Restaurant Food” aims to educate the public on the hidden dangers of Chinese food and how it can harm your health.

– Standards for Food Safety Concerns
Poor food quality can have serious consequences for the health of people. This is why it is so important that countries adhere to food hygiene standards.

– Fast-Food Restaurants: Their Popularity and Causes
American citizens have taken to eating at fast food places, especially among college students.

– How fast food has changed America’s environment and health?
Fast food is becoming a popular choice for Americans. It’s relatively cheap, tasty, and easy to order and eat quickly.

– Australian Food Industry Competition Analysis
This article examines Paradise Food Industries’ performance to determine the leader in the health foods market.

Tesco is a leading food retailer worldwide.
This paper will analyze how Tesco, a global leader in food retail, can utilize the PESTLE model for organizational performance.

– Assessment of the Policy for Testing Food Service Employees
Mary Mallon, Typhoid Mary, was a Typhoid Mary. She worked as a cook.

– Working in a food pantry
Hunger is a global problem. Authorities across the globe must devise and implement policies to solve this problem.

– Safeguarding Food in Commercial Settings
Food safety is a critical issue in the commercial sector. This is because food production takes place on large scales to provide food for many people.

– The Negative Effect of Soil Erosion on World Food Supply
This paper discusses soil erosion. It is the act of transporting or sweeping soil from its natural environment, and then depositing it in another place.

Michael Pollan’s Organic Foods Issue of In Defense of Food
This paper is a refutation of the myths surrounding organic food use. It’s based on their living factors and features that impact our daily lives.

– Buffalo, Traditional Lakota food
You can see elements of religion and adaptation to their environment in the way they hunted, prepared and ate buffalo parts.

– Immigrant Farmers Have Influenced the Current American Food Crisis
This paper examines the States.
How immigrants can contribute to America’s current food system.

Overview of Food Deficiency Situation
The relationships between food scarcity and population transcend all aspects of human life. They encompass many aspects of human life.

Behavior-Based Food Safety: The DO IT Method
When applied to restaurant jobs, the so-called DO IT technique can be very useful. It leads to a better work environment for employees.

Fast-Food Addiction: Causes & Effects
Research shows that fast food consumers are more likely to become addicted than those who eat simple meals.

Fast Food: Is it really harmful?
This paper examines the potential challenges and factors that may arise when implementing healthy fast-food alternatives.

– Family Dynamics and Exploration of Food, Body, and Weight Issues In Ireland
A qualitative data analysis that examines the behavior and habits of teens is used to provide a more detailed understanding of Ireland’s obesity and other weight problems.

Communication through visuals. Natural Food Packaging Colors
Because consumers are hesitant to purchase products with wrong colors, it is important that they use the correct color scheme.

– Target Audiences for Fast Food Restaurants’ Sites
The creator of a website must consider the needs and preferences of visitors to it. Users are the intended audience for the web resource.

– An overview of the charitable food distribution efforts of American Express
This paper examines America Express (Amex), as it relates to Corporate Social Responsibility and Vision.

Attend the 2019 Brooklyn Crush Wine & Artisanal Food Festival.
Brooklyn Crush Wine & Artisanal Festival: Spring Edition 2019 allowed attendees to sample wines from around the globe.

Campus Sustainability and Food Issues
This paper will examine the campus community’s environmental knowledge, and help to understand students’ energy use and other energy-related questions.

– The Origins of Soul Food and Barbeque: USA
Their cultural significance to Americans is reflected in their history over more than 100 year.

– The food chain: groups and functions
Producers, consumers, & decomposers comprise the food chain within an ecosystem.

Benefits of using Genetically Modified food
The expansion of agricultural land in areas where there are no suitable crops has been made possible by genetic modifications.

Schieffelin: Rainforest Environments and Kaluli Food Production
The author spends so long discussing Kaluli to illustrate the environment. This provides insight into the main events as well as the people.

– Use of Food Additives in Agriculture, United States
Because of their potential benefits, food additives in agriculture are a controversial issue.

– Food Waste Reduction Strategy
The Strategy is designed to increase awareness in society and restore food value to reduce food waste.

Claudia Setzer, “Women, Food, and Learning”.
Setzer discusses the gender and ethnicity issues in her study of the Bible’s Syrophoenician women’s representation.

– Variability is important in the food industry
These days diversity is widely discussed. Although the food business was traditionally focused on universals initially, it began to favor variability.

– Teens are particularly vulnerable to junk food advertising
The consumption of refined carbohydrates, sugars, and oils is significantly increased by active marketing, especially among teenagers.

– The Economic and Environmental Impact of Food Choices
I decided that I would research salmon fillet as well as orange juice. The data I collect will be used to examine how food choices impact the economy as well as the environment.

Statistics on Food Disorders in Puerto Rico and the United States
This paper aims to compare the United States’ statistics regarding food disorders with Puerto Rico’s and to suggest solutions.

– Locations of Fast Food Chains, Non-Chain restaurants and bars
As mentioned in the previous sections, Moma Monaz is a competitor to three types of restaurants: chain restaurants, non-chain restaurants, bars.

Simple Essay Ideas for Food
– Macronutrients: The Best Foods Sources
Soul Food is an original American art form
– Modelling sustainable food systems
Analyse of Nutritional Studies
Westboro Residents: Food Festival
– The First in Show Petfoods
– COVID-19’s impact on people’s lives, their health and our food systems
National Food Policy for Healthy Food Marketing
– Wine and Food Pairing Menu
– Escherichia Coli Infection: Preventing Food Borne Illness
– Actual and budgeted food costs
China’s Ultima Foods Market Expands
– The Words on Your Plate: An Analysis of Food Words
The History of Soul Food Cuisine: America’s History
– Downtown Rideau Area: Food Segway Tours
Hispanic Culture and Food
Food Labeling & Concordia University’s Food Sphere
TQM and Six Sigma in Perishable Food Industries
Food Insecurity Assessment Miami
– Reducing food packaging litter within Ireland
– Food consumption: Enjoyment & Ethics
– A 3-Day Food Pyramid Analysis
– Food Poisoning: A General Process
Sector Analysis – Healthy Fast Foods
– The use of low fat food
Comfort Food as Quarantine Trend
– Aspects in Muslim Food Culture
Catherine Lynn Butler’s “The Future of Food”
James Colquhoun’s “The Food Matters”
– Bacteria Causes Food Toxicities
– Right To Food As A Fundamental Right
– Rural Areas are prone to poverty and exposure to fast food.
– Food Nitrates & Nitrites
– Halal Foods for Other Religions
– Program for Food Safety Problems Led by Nurses
– The Influence of Fast-Food Industry on Children
– Obesity treatment – More than food
– Ban Genetically Modified Foods
Business Plan for Super Greens Organic Food Restaurant
– “American Food Industry, Food, Inc.” Movie

Easy Food Essay Topics
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Amendment
– Food that costs more than it is supposed to
– Nursing: Obesity Issue, Food Impact
– Analysis of Obesity and Fast Food Consumption
– Human Foods containing Genetically Modified Organisms
– Biotechnology and Food Nutritive Enhancement: Advantages, Disadvantages
ADHD: The effects of food
There is a connection between fast food consumption and health.
– The Home Food Environment.
Connections between Food, Health, and Environment
Genetically Modified Foods: Are they Safe?
– Fast food marketing and children’s fast-food consumption
– Sustainable Food Systems, Nutrition
Feasibility Plan to E-Commerce Food Delivery
Fast Food Restaurants USA
Marketing Plan for Firefly Burger Fast Food
– Children’s Food Quality
Junk Foods, Children’s Obesity
Food Voice of Bangladeshi
Food Additives and Safety
– The Logistical Network of the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector
HACCP – A plan for receiving and handling food products
– How do fried foods affect nutrition for young adults?
– Your Response to “Food Inc.”
– A healthier cookie version: The challenges facing the food industry
– Food supplements to prevent long-term illness
– Climate Change and Food Impacts
Air China Flight – Food Poisoning
– Human Geography: Food insecurity
– The COVID-19 pandemic Influence – Foods and Beverages
– American Foods Origins
The Class about Nutrition and Real Life Situations in Food Choices
White-Collar Crimes
– McDonald’s: Fast Food Restaurant of the Year
– Whole Foods Analysis
– A mobile food truck for the community that serves children with disabilities
– Six Major Elements of a Food Safety Plan
Food Manufactures: Are We Being Killed by Them?
– Comparison of Food Security and Global Health Issues

Ask Questions about Food
Fast Food Restaurants and Obesity
– Is Genetically Modified food safe to eat?
Is the nutritional information listed on food packaging reliable?
– What are the World’s Food Issues?
What is it called when you have food issues?
Are you harming your family’s health by what you make?
Organic Farmers Can Produce Enough Food for the Whole World?
– What are the Six Most Dangerous Threats to Food Security in 2016?
– What are the Four Major Problems Impacting the World’s Needs for Food?
Biotechnology – Can it solve the food shortage problem?
Is Dehydration a Negative Effect on the Nutritional Value of Foods?
– What are some challenges to food production?
Is there a connection between obesity and fast food?
How can we solve food supply problems?
How did Jollibee achieve its position within the Philippine Fast Food Industry
– What are the Four Key Issues in Food Production?
– How Does America Solve Food Deserts?
What are the Seven Food Safety Challenges?
How Whole Foods Build Human and Social Capital
What is the most important food safety issue?
Fast Food Advertising Banned
– What are the 6 Food Borne Diseases?
– What are 10 main reasons for food poisoning?
Fast Food Chains – Are they to blame for childhood obesity?
Fast Food Sales to 18-year-olds Only
– What are four issues related to food production?
New Zealand should allow genetically modified foods
Is it possible to give up your favorite foods and still be healthy?
– What are Three Food Contamination Causes?
– Were Salem Witch Trials triggered by food poisoning?


  • freyamccarthy

    Freya McCarthy is an educational blogger and volunteer who helps improve education in developing countries. She has worked in education for over 10 years, most recently as a teacher in a primary school in India. Freya has a degree in education from the University of Wales and has worked in a number of different educational settings. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family.


Freya McCarthy is an educational blogger and volunteer who helps improve education in developing countries. She has worked in education for over 10 years, most recently as a teacher in a primary school in India. Freya has a degree in education from the University of Wales and has worked in a number of different educational settings. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family.